September 3, 2024

Research-creation residency in responsible artificial intelligence with the Galerie de l’Université de Montréal and IVADO

In partnership with IVADO, the Galerie de l’Université de Montréal invites professional visual and media artists to participate in a residency and exhibition project. The aim of this research-creation residency project is to foster collaboration between AI research and contemporary art, in order to reflect on the possibilities for the production of responsible, inclusive, feminist and queer knowledge.

The results will be presented in an exhibition in 2025-2026 by guest curator Christelle Proulx.

Four professional artists will be chosen to participate in this residency, in exchange with automatic-learning scientists. They will have the opportunity to develop works and designs aimed at apprehending various AI-related objects or practices (generation, recognition, segmentations, etc.). The selected projects will be developed on the basis of equity, diversity and inclusion principles (EDI) of the Montréal Declaration and will be inspired by feminist intersectional and queer approaches to scientific study.

Consult the following link to submit your application until September 30, 2024: