September 16, 2024

ALL IN 2024: IVADO strengthens its central role in the Canadian AI ecosystem

On September 11 and 12, 2024, the 2nd edition of ALL IN, Canada’s largest event dedicated to artificial intelligence, took place. With over 3,900 participants, this record-breaking edition showcased the vibrancy and strategic importance of the Canadian AI ecosystem, bringing together experts, decision-makers, and businesses to discuss themes focused on innovation, exploration, and responsible AI.

With more than 200 presentations, this second edition of ALL IN, co-organized by SCALE AI, Mila and CEIMIA, offered innovative perspectives on AI application and adoption, always through the lens of responsible innovation and societal impact. Notably, this was demonstrated in the talks by IVADO’s Scientific Director, Yoshua Bengio, and IVADO’s Executive Director, Luc Vinet.

As a partner of the ALL IN event since its first edition, IVADO participated in both days and had the opportunity to engage with over a hundred visitors at its booth, discussing technology transfer programs, training, and collaborative research led by the consortium as the largest cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary AI center in Canada. IVADO’s booth had the honor of hosting Hélène Desmarais and Minister François-Philippe Champagne.

The event also provided an opportunity for the Conseil de l’Innovation du Québec and IVADO to announce their collaboration in creating an AI training module for the network of innovation advisors in Québec. This module will strengthen their ability to guide businesses in effectively integrating AI into their operations, enhancing their competitiveness.

Mark your calendars for September 25 and 26, 2025, at the Palais des congrès de Montréal for the next edition of ALL IN!