September 17, 2024

Quebec’s quantum algorithm research community unites

Sherbrooke, September 16, 2024 – The École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), IVADO, and the Institut quantique of the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) announce the creation of the Alliance en algorithmie quantique, AAQ. This collaborative research initiative has the ambitious goal of making Quebec a world leader in the field of quantum algorithms.

The Alliance, the result of cooperation between these three institutions, aims to promote partnership research in quantum algorithms and contribute to the training of highly qualified personnel. The Alliance will bring together the strengths of UdeS, ÉTS and UdeM, and any organization that shares the common goal of developing innovative solutions in the field of quantum computing.

The AAQ aims to strengthen the research capacity of its members to maximize scientific and technological impact while fostering collaboration between scientists, businesses, and governments. This group will efficiently leverage the quantum digital infrastructures available in Quebec, such as the IBM Quantum System One through the The Quebec Digital and Quantum Innovation Platform (PINQ²) and MonarQ, from Anyon Systems, accessible through Calcul Québec.

With quantum computing rapidly advancing, the Alliance will have a mandate for technology monitoring and will track all developments in quantum computing both in Quebec and internationally. The AAQ will thus serve as a key point of contact for interested organizations, particularly for the DistriQ ecosystem, the quantum innovation zone, through collaborative research in quantum algorithms.


“ The creation of this quantum algorithm research community will allow Quebec to better seize the opportunity presented by this disruptive technology. The full potential of quantum computing can only be realized by forming a critical mass of specialists capable of leveraging its immense capabilities.”

– Christian Sarra-Bournet, Executive Director of the Institut quantique.

“ Quantum machine learning is an active field of research poised to become a significant tool in artificial intelligence. As we have experienced in the AI domain, making Quebec a global leader in a cutting-edge field is achievable when forces unite, and the time is right for quantum algorithms.”

– Luc Vinet, Chief Executive Officer of IVADO.

“ÉTS is pleased to join its university partners in establishing an alliance that lays the foundation for a collaborative initiative that will create opportunities in a field where Quebec has significant potential. Given its mission, close ties with industry, and strategic role in technological entrepreneurship, ÉTS will certainly support the emergence of solutions and innovations with its partners. The convergence of our strengths will undoubtedly foster strong and prolific collaborative research.”

– Christian Casanova, Executive Director of Research and Partnerships, École de technologie supérieure.

“Quebec boasts some of the best quantum infrastructures in the world. By supporting the founding partners of the AAQ, our government is contributing to the development of talent and expertise in this field while ensuring the growth of DistriQ, the quantum innovation zone.”

– Christine Fréchette, Minister of Economy, Innovation, and Energy.

Contact Information:

Hugues Vincelette, Communications Consultant
Institut quantique | Université de Sherbrooke 

Jean-Alexandre D’Etcheverry, Director, Public Affairs and Government Relations Department
École de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec 

Stéphanie Dufaud, Communications and Marketing Director