Our answers to your most frequently asked questions
Can I become an IVADO member or partner?
- If you want to become an IVADO industrial member, read the Transfer section and then complete this membership application form.
- If you want to become an IVADO academic partner, please write to us at transfert@ivado.ca
- If you want to become an IVADO academic partner (international or network), please write to us at transfert@ivado.ca.
I want to undertake a collaborative research project with IVADO. How do I proceed?
What is the yearly total of the scholarships and other funding you provide?
We offer the equivalent of $4.5 million per year. Read about our various scholarships and grants here.
How would I go about co-organizing an event with IVADO?
- Start by reading our guidelines, and then complete this form.
- Note that we will not reply to requests received less than 30 days before the start of your planned event.
- If your request concerns training needs, please use this form instead.
What is the difference between IVADO Labs and IVADO?
- IVADO Labs is closely linked to us, but we are two different entities (and we also occupy two different buildings!).
- We work on projects with technology readiness levels (TRLs) 1 to 5 (from scientific research to proof of concept), while IVADO Labs handles projects with TRLs of 5 to 9 (encompassing the development to market launch phases).
- IVADO Labs is one of the core execution partners of SCALE AI, Canada’s AI-Powered Supply Chains Supercluster.
What is the difference between Mila and IVADO?
- We bring together a number of research centres, Mila among them, active in multiple fields encompassing data science, artificial intelligence and operations research. Mila’s specific focus is machine learning.
- Our primary role is to connect our community of researchers with industry players.
- Unlike Mila, we are not a research centre.
- We do not directly host interns, fellows or students.
- We do not conduct research projects at our institute.
- We provide financial levers to help foster collaborative research.
Do you have a question that we haven’t answered here? Contact us!