We develop international activities as part of our goal of promoting inclusive development of artificial intelligence. These international outreach efforts directly benefit our IVADO community by attracting talented researchers from all over the world. Here is an overview of selected initiatives :
Partnership with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
In 2019 our IVADO academic members mobilized to host eight students from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) for supervised research internships. Hailing from Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan, they worked on various projects. Watch this video review of their research stays.
DEEL international co-operation agreement
DEEL stands for DEpendable and Explainable Learning.
This project, conducted jointly with IRT Antoine de Saint Exupéry and CRIAQ, connects 27 organizations in France and Québec, with close to 50 researchers and scientists, 20 of whom are from the five Québec universities involved, along with a dozen industrial partners, including four based in Québec.

Partnership with ANITI
The Institut interdisciplinaire d’intelligence artificielle de Toulouse (ANITI, or Toulouse Interdisciplinary Institute for AI) is one of four interdisciplinary AI institutes established in France for a renewable four-year term (the others are in Grenoble, Nice and Paris), as part of the Villani Plan’s “Future Investments” Program.