Romy Martinez

Tech transfer and innovation advisor

With over 15 years of experience in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector, Romy has developed a diverse expertise in innovation management, partnerships, and program management. Her holistic and methodical approach enables her to find effective solutions and resolve complex problems. Romy stands out for her playful, curious, and collaborative spirit, and excels in managing multisectoral partnerships.

Passionate about creating a safe and prosperous future for future generations, Romy pursued studies in sustainable development. Sensitive to environnemental issues and biodiversity conservation, she worked for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) during a temporary assignment. Romy is determined to use her business, technical, and academic skills to harness technologies and find the necessary synergies to accelerate the transformations and adaptations essential to creating a sustainable world.

Romy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Concordia University, a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal, and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development from University College Dublin.