June 21, 2021
Digital intelligence: a definition
We have been gradually replacing the designation “data science, operations research and artificial intelligence” with “digital intelligence”. We recently unveiled the definition of the term when we submitted our brief (in French) to the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation (MEI) committee overseeing consultations on the future Québec Research and Innovation Strategy (known by its French abbreviation SQRI).
Our many exchanges with professors, researchers, industry professionals, students, government agencies and other ecosystem players inspired this transition to a new definition.
It was prompted by the fact that the rapid pace of technological evolution has created a growing challenge when it comes to making lexical distinctions between the various components of digital intelligence, which include data science, operations research and artificial intelligence.
Taking an approach informed by science communication, standardization and accessibility, we sought to share our definition/vision of digital intelligence as well as its importance in the process of social and economic value creation.
You are invited to share this definition in your networks and adopt it yourselves!
Your IVADO team