IVADO Digital October 2021

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Youtube playlist of the 2021 edition


Bilingual event.


Digital October IVADO is back in a hybrid format! This is the perfect opportunity to learn about our student offer and get to know our digital intelligence community better!

Multidisciplinary workshops and networking events will take place throughout the month of October. Then, on October 28th and 29th, digital intelligence will be showcased through a keynote conference, as well as presentations by our scholarship students, postdoctoral fellows, IVADO professors and academic members and partners. All of this with the objective of promoting networking between the different actors of our community.

Target audience

Our IVADO community, but also anyone interested in digital intelligence!


The IVADO team, in collaboration with the IVADO student intersectoral committee.



October 28th, 4 p.m to 7 p.m. - Special presentations and keynote conference

To open the Digital October, a panel of experts will highlight the current and future challenges in the field of digital intelligence. This panel will be presented on the campus of the Université de Montréal (limited places) but will also be broadcasted with unlimited access on the Swapcard platform of the event. Following the panel, a networking cocktail will be offered to those present on site.

4:00 – 4:30 p.m. : Introduction and presentation of IVADO

4:30 – 6:00 p.m. : Keynote conference The challenges of the next decade in digital intelligence


  • Guillaume Dumas (Department of Psychiatry and Addictology, University of Montreal)
  • Jean Provost (Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montreal)
  • Aurélie Labbe (Decision Sciences, HEC Montreal)


Guillaume Chicoisne (IVADO)

You have two options to attend the event:

  1. Attend the event on site, in room M-415 of the Roger Gaudry building of the University of Montreal (SOLD OUT)
  2. Attend the event online, via Swapcard (you will receive the connection link after completing the Eventbrite registration form)

October 29th, 8:30am - 7pm - Research Project Presentations and Closing Event (virtual format on Swapcard and Gather.Town)

8:30 – 8:40 a.m. : Welcoming Remarks

8:40 – 11:20 a.m. : Smart Cities and Societies

Animation: Oriane Morriet, IVADO

Mengying Lei, Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modeling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression (PhD, McGill)

Léa Ricard, Réduire le retard des autobus grâce aux données en temps réel des parcours (PhD, U. de Montréal)

Yuankai Wu, Graph Neural Networks for Real-time Kriging (Postdoc, McGill)

Sylvain Munger, À quoi sert l’imaginaire? Inégalités, pouvoir et prestige des visions du futur de l’IA (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Philippe Doyon-Poulin, Visualiser, interagir, décider : mettre l’opérateur au centre de la conception des systèmes à sûreté critique (Jeune professeur IVADO, Polytechnique Montréal)

Qihua Zhong, Solving multi-echelon inventory problems with deep reinforcement learning, PhD, HEC Montréal)

Dmytro Humeniuk, Automatic generation of testing scenarios for autonomous vehicles (PhD, Polytechnique Montréal)

Nicholas Meade, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Debiasing Techniques for Pre-Trained Language Models (MSc, McGill)

8:40 – 11:10 a.m. : Health and digital intelligence

Animation: Barbara Decelle, IVADO

Gabrielle Joni Verreault, Présentation d’un cadre conceptuel: les déterminants numériques de la santé (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Ammar Alsheghri, Semi-supervised teeth segmentation from 3D Scanned Dental Arches Postdoc, Polytechnique Montréal)

Sandrine Laliberté, Évaluation de l’utilisabilité de MedOClock, une application de santé mobile québécoise pour les proches-aidants (MSc, Polytechnique Montréal)

Hiroshi Mamiya, Automating public health nutrition surveillance using stream of supermarket sale data (Postdoc, McGill)

Brice Rauby, Sparse Neural Networks for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (PhD, Polytechnique Montréal)

Marco Bonizzato, Designing the next generation of intelligent neurostimulation technology (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Thierry Jean, Phénotypage digital : prédire le stress et l’humeur futurs grâce au téléphone intelligent (MSc, U, de Montréal)

Clara Elkhantour, Analyse de données cérébrales MEG lors d’une tâche d’attention soutenue en combinant analyses spectrales et apprentissage machine (BSc, U. de Montréal)

Sacha Morin, Unsupervised dimensionality reduction and clustering reveals multiple simultaneous dysregulations of the SARS-CoV-2- specific immune response associated with fatal outcome (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Myriam Sahraoui, Utilisation d’algorithmes d’apprentissage non supervisé pour l’inférence de profils cognitifs chez les enfants (PhD, U. de Montréal)

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. : Rapid Fire Talks

Animation: Alexandre Guertin-Pasquier, IVADO

Francis Banville, First Estimates of Food-Web Structure Derived from Species Richness (PhD, U. de Montréal)

Patricia Gautrin, L’éthique de la vertu a-t-elle un rôle à jouer dans la mise en place d’un cadre de gouvernance de l’agentivité des systèmes intelligents? (PhD, U. de Montréal)

Alexandre Payeur, Probing learning dynamics in brain-machine interfaces using recurrent neural networks (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Paul Xing, Correction d’aberration de phase en microscopie de localisation ultrasonore par réseaux de neurones à valeurs complexes (PhD, Polytechnique Montréal)

Donyang Lin, Representation of time in deep reinforcement learning agents (PhD, McGill)

Carly Robinson La Rocca, Accelerating the discovery of solutions for combinatorial optimization problems (PhD, U. de Montréal)

Michael Mougharbel, Microscopie de localisation ultrasonore appliquée au myocarde, MSc, Polytechnique Montréal)

Khaoula Chehbouni, Détecter le grooming grâce à l’apprentissage fédéré (MSc, HEC Montréal)

Ramesh Ramasamy-Pandi, GPU-accelerated Algorithms for Dynamic Stochastic Dial-a-ride Problem (Postdoc, HEC Montréal)

Tangi Migot, Large-scale optimization solvers in Julia for data science (Postdoc, Polytechnique Montréal)

1:00 – 3:30 p.m. : Tomorrow’s algorithms

Animation: Nathalie Sanon, IVADO

David Ardia, Quand les machines analysent les textes de médias et les utilisent pour prédire l’avenir (Jeune professeur IVADO, HEC Montréal)

Alexis Montoison, Krylov.jl : une bibliothèque Julia pour l’algèbre linéaire numérique (PhD, Polytechnique Montréal)

Xing Han Lu, Towards real-world database retrieval inside conversations (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Hamed Hojatian, Unsupervised Learning for Hybrid Beamforming Massive MIMO (PhD, Polytechnique Montréal)

Kartik Ahuja, Invariance Principle Meets Information Bottleneck for Out-of-Distribution Generalization (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Edward Hallé-Hannan, A general mathematical framework for mixed-variable blackbox optimization problems (MSc, Polytechnique Montréal)

Jessie Galasso-Carbonnel, L’assistance au développement du logiciel au temps des données massives (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Rey Wiyatno, Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Nicolas Loizou, Stochastic Polyak Step-size for SGD: An Adaptive Learning Rate for Fast Convergence (Postdoc, U. de Montréal)

Jad Kabbara, Exploiting Pragmatic Knowledge for Improved Natural Language Understanding (PhD, McGill)

Abhilash Chenreddy, Data-driven conditional uncertainty sets (PhD, HEC Montréal)

 1:00 – 2:40 p.m. : From Earth to Planets

Animation: Vanessa Alarie, IVADO

Alexandre Adam, Automatic Reconstruction of Gravitational Lenses (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Myriam Prasow-Émond, Seeking Exoplanets Orbiting Around Black Holes (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Eve Campeau-Poirier, L’apprentissage automatique pour mesurer le taux d’expansion de l’univers à partir des lentilles gravitationnelles (MSc, U. de Montréal)

Carter Rhea, Apportant l’apprentissage automatique au télescope Canada-France-Hawaii (PhD, U. de Montréal)

Antoine Boudreau Leblanc, Bio-Ethics’ Ecosystemic approach. Case study : biosurveillance & collaborative governance (PhD, U. de Montréal)

4:00 – 4:45 p.m. : When the next generation of scientists shines

Presentations and interviews of students from our research promotion programs

Chloé Bourquin, Mon projet de recherche IVADO en 180 secondes

Francis Banville, Mon projet de recherche en 800 mots

Ali Akbar Sabzi et Laurence Taschereau, Des données pour raconter

Marc-André Renaud, Postdoc-Entrepreneur.e

4:45 – 6:00 p.m. : Networking evening and awards ceremony (Online)

Remise du Prix Coup de cœur du public – Autorité des marchés financiers

Presentation of the Public’s Favourite Award – Autorité des marchés financiers