Antoine Congost

Knowledge mobilization advisor

Antoine Congost holds a bachelor’s degree in international studies and a master’s degree in political science (UdeM). Previously in charge of AI governance issues at Université de Montréal, he has developed several projects to disseminate and implement the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of AI. Carried out in collaboration with the research community and various partners from public and private organizations, these projects include an inclusive urban AI initiative in Montreal, a summer school on AI and human rights with Mila, funding for innovative DEI-oriented projects, and a future play on responsible AI.

Passionate about international governance issues, Antoine has also worked at the French Consulate in Montreal, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Délégation générale du Québec in Tokyo.

He joins IVADO to contribute to the planning, execution, promotion and monitoring of knowledge mobilization activities to foster the responsible development and deployment of AI.