IVADO is launching a competition for researchers with exploratory projects related to the development of artificial intelligence (AI). By exploratory project, IVADO means a small or medium-sized research project that is creative, innovative and audacious, ideally cross-sectoral or interdisciplinary, enabling the exploration of new ideas related to the R3AI initiative.

The general description of the R3AI initiative, Shifting Paradigms for a Robust, Reasoning and Responsible Artificial Intelligence and its Adoption, and its scientific framework are available on the Canada First Research Excellence Fund website.

The Exploratory Projects Program will support researchers making innovative and audacious contributions to the advancement and expansion of R3AI research themes. It will provide support for the development of their research projects in the exploratory phase, notably by funding graduate students and postdocs working on these projects.

The Exploratory Projects Program invites novel collaborations between researchers working in sectors or fields related to the themes of the IVADO Regroupements.

Projects developed on emerging themes other than those of the IVADO Regroupements (e.g. projects in quantum physics and AI, or music and AI) are also encouraged, provided that they have a link with IVADO’s mission.

Cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary research projects are strongly encouraged.

Update (December 5, 2024)

Please note that we have reworded the “Audacity and innovation” evaluation criterion that applies to letters of intent and full applications. Our expectations with regard to this criterion remain the same, but we want to emphasize that projects must be novel and have a significant impact.

We also now ask to include the CVs of your team with your letter of intent.


The objectives of the Exploratory Projects Program are to:

  • Support cutting-edge exploratory research by funding projects that are creative, innovative and audacious, and ideally cross-sectoral or interdisciplinary. Projects submitted can also be training or partnership projects.
  • Support projects in AI, on AI or with AI.
  • Enable the exploration of pioneering ideas in connection with and/or alongside R3AI.
  • Encourage original collaboration between researchers from different sectors or disciplines and different institutions.
  • Encourage projects led by and/or involving members of under-represented groups and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion, as well as projects led by and/or involving individuals from indigenous communities and which help address issues of decolonization, indigenization and cultural safety.


Competition launch: April 8, 2024

Letter of intent submission: Anytime (no deadline)

Letter of intent results: Approximately 6 weeks after submission of letter of intent

Full application submission: Anytime (no deadline)

Full application results: Approximately 12 weeks after submission of full application

Conditions of the award

Value and duration

The maximum amount allocated is $100,000 per grant. The amount may exceptionally exceed $100,000, if justified by the needs of the project.

The total duration of each grant is one (1) year.

The budget proposed by the researchers must take into account the following criteria:

  • A large part of the budget allocated by IVADO must support the work of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on the project.
  • It is expected that the budget allocated by IVADO will complement a budget from another source of funding, in cash or in-kind (e.g. internal or external grant, partnership, philanthropy, etc.), although this is not a requirement.

IVADO’s annual budget for this program is 1M$ until the end of the CFREF grant (2030). IVADO aims to fund between 10 and 20 exploratory projects each year.

Terms of payment

Funds will be transferred to the principal investigator’s home institution. Please note that subsequent transfers to co-investigators are not possible.

If projects require ethics approval, funds will not be released until such approval has been granted. Some projects, for example those carried out in partnership with companies, may require special agreements (e.g. on intellectual property).

Eligibility criteria

Exploratory projects must be led by a team of at least two professors, and the principal investigator must be from Université de Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université Laval or McGill University. Professors from other universities in Quebec, Canada or abroad may be co-investigators.

The principal investigator must:

  • Be a regular faculty member at HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, Université de Montréal, Université Laval or McGill University;
  • Hold one of the following eligible positions: assistant professor, associate professor, full professor.

It is expected that the composition of research teams will reflect different stages of career, allowing for collaboration between established and early-career researchers.

Projects involving under-represented groups (e.g. racialized people, African, Caribbean and Black people, people from Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, women, gender equity groups and people from 2SLGBTQIA+ communities) are strongly encouraged.

Research projects combining various disciplines, notably the humanities and social sciences or the humanities and arts, are strongly encouraged.

Application process

The application process consists of two (2) steps:

  • Letter of intent (eliminatory)
  • Full application

Researchers are invited to submit a letter of intent, which will be evaluated by an IVADO internal peer review committee to verify the alignment of the proposal with the competition objectives. Letters of intent may be submitted at any time.

Only successful LOI will be invited to submit a full application, and will be peer-reviewed. Full applications may be submitted at any time.

Researchers must submit their research projects via the IVADO online portal. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.

The content of the application includes the following elements:

The letter of intent to be submitted on the IVADO Portal including:

  • A list of the principal investigator and co-investigators,
  • A project description (2 pages) and a budget request,
  • The curriculum vitae of the principal investigator and co-investigators (in the format of a recognized granting agency).

The complete application to be submitted on the IVADO Portal including:

  • A list of the principal investigator and co-investigators,
  • A description of the exploratory research project (5 pages),
  • A budget justification and the link between this proposal and other sources of funding,
  • The curriculum vitae of the principal investigator and co-investigators (in the format of a recognized granting agency).

Applications may be submitted in English or French.

Evaluation criteria

The committee will evaluate the letters of intent according to the following selection criteria:

  1. Audacity and innovation (70%):
    1. Novelty of ideas, originality and creativity of the project in terms of advancing knowledge, relevance of literature review, methodology and theoretical framework.
    2. Significance and global impact of the project; justification of the integration (or absence) of EDI principles and/or First Peoples into the research project.
  2. Feasibility (15%): soundness of research plan; relevance of timetable to objectives; cash or in-kind contributions from other sources.
  3. Capacity (15%): suitability of the research team’s expertise in relation to the proposed research; diversity of profiles.

The committee will evaluate full project applications according to the following selection criteria:

  1. Audacity and innovation (50%):
    1. Novelty of ideas, originality and creativity of the project in terms of advancing knowledge, relevance of literature review, methodology and theoretical framework.
    2. Significance and global impact of the project; justification of the integration (or absence) of EDI principles and/or First Peoples into the research project.
  2. Feasibility (25%): soundness of research plan; relevance of timetable to objectives; cash or in-kind contributions from other sources.
  3. Capacity (25%): suitability of the research team’s expertise in relation to the proposed research; diversity of profiles.

Completed applications are evaluated by an evaluation committee who makes funding recommendations. The final decision is made by IVADO’s Scientific Committee.

For more information on our program evaluation process and general practices, please consult the “Evaluation of grant and award applications” section of the Responsible Conduct in Research manual.


As recipients of the Exploratory Projects Program, researchers commit to:

  • Submit their final report on time (report on the outcome of the research and use of funds)
  • Notify IVADO of any change in the composition of the research team or in the professional situation of the principal investigators or co-investigators. IVADO reserves the right, after examining the request for modification, to adjust its financial contribution, or even suspend it, if the new conditions are no longer compatible with the terms and conditions of the grant.
  • Comply with the three agencies’ (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) policy on open access to publications. Researchers are encouraged to publish the results of their research (e.g. articles, recordings of presentations, source code, databases) in compliance with the intellectual property rules governing their specific situation.
  • Acknowledge the support of IVADO and the Canada First Research Excellence Fund  in scientific communications (e.g., articles, conference, website, workshops, interviews).

IVADO is committed to EDI in the following ways:

  • IVADO promotes the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in all its programs to ensure that all members of society benefit equally from the advancement of knowledge and opportunities.
  • IVADO is committed to providing an inclusive and non-discriminatory recruitment process and research framework that is open and transparent.


Q: Do research teams have to be formed at the LOI stage? Do all co-investigators have to be named at this stage?

A: Ideally, research teams should be formed at the LOI stage and the names of all co-investigators should be listed, but IVADO accepts changes from the LOI to the full application.

Q: Can I include co-investigators from outside Quebec or Canada on my grant application? 

A: It is possible to include co-investigators from outside Quebec or outside Canada on your grant application, but this may affect the funding terms and conditions.

Q: Can international co-investigators receive funding?

A: No funding can be transferred by IVADO outside the following universities: Université de Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université Laval, McGill University. However, researchers are not prohibited from partnering with researchers outside Quebec or Canada.

Do you have any further questions? Please send them to: recherche@ivado.ca